Portuguese military circling Borndiep.

29-08-04, 17:15 hours: The Portugese Navy circles the Women on Waves ship and orders the captain to stop approaching Portugal. Photo: Nadya Peek for Women on Waves.
Sun 29-08-04 17 hours: After receiving no response from the harbour authorities to repeated requests for permission to enter, Ms Borndiep slowly started to sail for the coast. Within minutes, the portugese Navy appeared at the horizon and ordered the captain to immediately stop moving. Or else...
Saturday: Women on Waves and the Portuguese Organizations (Acção Jovem para a Paz, Clube Safo, Não Te Prives and UMAR ) which invited Women on Waves to come to Portugal, are giving a public statement at 13.00h, at Café Santa Cruz, Plaça 8 Maio, Coimbra.
26-08-2004: A opinion poll conducted by the Portuguese national newspaper Jornal de Notícias shows that 63% of the respondents are in favour that the boat comes to Portugal.
24-08-2004 14:00h Latest news from the ship: we just passed Dover. Rough weather with 25 meter high waves! Everything OK.
August 23: The women on Waves ship today set sail to Portugal. In this EU-country, abortion is illegal and women are prosecuted and punished for having abortions.